Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Nia: Who am I?

Happy Kwanza: Day 5
Nia (Purpose): To make our collective vocation the building and developing of our community in order to restore our people to their traditional greatness.

Who are you? Why do I exist? Where do I come from?  The systematic degradation of the Afro people has been corrupted to the core.  The lack of identity of young blacks and old alike is an atrocity that we must not overlook.  A people who have been worked over (for lack of a more appropriate term) and mistreated for centuries need to be restored to an understanding of their greatness.  However this greatness is deeper than the pigmentation of our skin.  Its bigger than the prestige of stolen black inventions, powerful activist, or long forgotten African kingdoms.  It traces back to our original origins in the garden of eden…in Africa.  An origin of a man and woman created perfectly by God for God with purpose.  We must recognize our greatest purpose in developing the community of heaven.  We must give glory to God in our lives and in all we do for this is where we find most purpose.  Black pride can only take you so far.  Traditions can only reveal so much.  We must reach outside of ourselves and call people to a greatness that is greater than our black history.  The only way to restore greatness of the African, is for the African to be restored in the image of the Greatest.  We have been chosen, we are royalty, we are holy.

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 1 Pe 2:9

This verse is even more significant than you think when you consider the people being spoken to in this verse.  Our history is deeper biblically than most people think…But that’s a whole other topic.

We have only two more days left in Kwanza. Share and read tomorrows post.

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